When Kobo announced its new touch-sensitive ebook reader last month, I posted some of my initial thoughts about whether a touch screen was a good idea for an ereader, which I followed up with my first impressions of the Kobo Touch from a brief hands-on with the device in a Chapters store.
Since then, Kobo kindly sent me a review unit of the Kobo Touch, which allowed me to give it a proper test drive. Over a couple of weeks with the device, I read an entire book (Tabloid City by Pete Hamill), which gave me a real chance to see how I liked it.
For most Canadian customers thinking of buying an ereader, chances are they’re trying to decide between either a Kobo or Amazon’s Kindle (getting a Nook in Canada is a bit of a pain and the Sony Reader is overpriced).
I already own a Kindle and so thought I’d lay out what, in my view, are the advantages and disadvantages of the Kobo in comparison to the Kindle.
Touch screen: Maybe I’ve become conditioned by years of playing with my iPod Touch, but using a touch screen ereader is just more fun. The Kobo Touch’s screen is relatively responsive (I rarely had to click on something twice) and the only slightly annoying thing was that it made it a bit tough to hold in my left hand (since you have to turn pages by tapping on the right hand side or swiping the screen right to left). Touching an ereader just feels like a more intimate experience than clicking on the Kindle’s physical buttons. It also gives the Kobo a shorter profile than the Kindle, so it feels very light in your hands.
Better ebook selection: I’ve written about this before, and plan another upcoming post on the issue. But, at least for Canadians, it seems clear that the ebook selection for the Kobo is better than for the Kindle. A number of popular bestsellers — from authors like Malcolm Gladwell and Tina Fey — are available in Canada on Kobo but not on Kindle. Kobo actually cheekily acknowledges this with a special section in its ebook store of titles you can’t get on Kindle. This seems to be less of an issue for U.S. customers, since its Kindle selection is much better.
Better web browser: Browsing the Internet on an ebook reader is a pretty painful experience. Its monochrome screen and slow response rate just weren’t meant for the lightning-fast web. That said, sometimes you want to quickly check something online while reading an ebook — like a fact on Wikipedia — and would rather not boot up another device. Both the Kindle and the Kobo have built-in web browsers that can do this. Given its touch interface, the Kobo’s is much more pleasurable to use than the Kindle’s — you can more easily click on links you want to follow and you can use the touch screen to easily scroll down a page (instead of clicking down on the Kindle).
Home screen: The Kobo Touch home shows you the cover of the last few books you’ve been reading, instead of the simple text list you get on your Kindle. This is a minor thing, but tapping on the book cover is just more fun than scrolling down a list.
Reading Stats: OK, as a data geek this may be a bigger deal for me than most people, but I really liked how the Kobo kept track of how long it was taking me to get through a book and how much I read in each sitting. This is information the Kindle could easily collect, too, and I wish they’d provide it you. Heck, it could even be an interesting way of showing you what books really kept your interest — showing you which ones you sped through in a few sittings rather than plodding through over several weeks.
Chapter page counts: I’m one of those guys who likes to get to the end of a chapter before setting a book down for the night. And one of my annoyances with the Kindle is it’s not always clear how far you have to go until the next chapter (sometimes little hash marks on the screen indicate this, but not always). The Kobo interface — at least with the book I was reading — shows you what page you are on in each chapter (ie. Page 3 of 42), which gives you a clear sense of how much longer you have to go until you reach the next chapter.
Easy highlighting and definitions: Given its touch screen, it’s a lot easier to highlight a section of text on the Kobo than it is on the Kindle. Getting a word’s definition is also a breeze — just hold your finger down on the word you want defined. I also liked the way word definitions shows up on the Kobo — a full screen pop-up — rather than on the Kindle, where the first few words of the definition show up at the bottom and you have to click through for more.
Screen ghosting: One of the disadvantages of E Ink screens is that they can sometimes suffer “ghosting” — where the screen retains a faint hint of the previous screen’s text. This problem seemed to be a lot worse on the Kobo than on the Kindle — at times I could read whole sentences of the past page after I clicked on the next one. As it turns out, this problem can be at least partly fixed. By default, the Kobo only does a full screen refresh on every six page turns — perhaps to make page turns faster. You can change this to update on every page turn in the settings. It doesn’t noticeably slow down the page turns but makes the screen look a lot cleaner.
Inferior fonts: The Kobo originally came with only two fonts built in and, at least to my eyes, they aren’t very good. I can’t put my finger on why, but the way the fonts render on the Kobo seems a lot thinner and more pixelated than fonts look on the Kindle. Over time, I found these fonts made reading off the Kobo less pleasurable than the Kindle becomes the text simply didn’t look as solid. Apparently Kobo’s new firmware upgrade — which occurred after I did my test drive of the device — provides more font choices and line spacing options. I can’t say whether that’s fixed the problem. But here’s a side-by-side comparison of the fonts as I had them on the device:
Poor smartphone syncing: Like the Kindle, the Kobo has a smartphone app that allows you to read your ebook on your smartphone, picking up where you last left off on your ereader. But while the Kindle syncs between devices smoothly, I found the process painful and erratic on the Kobo. In one case, my Kobo app thought I was 10 or so pages further along in the book than I was on my ereader. Another time, after reading a few pages on my iPod (ipod touch firmware 3.1.3 download) Touch, my Kobo reader actually jumped me back several pages from where I had last left off. I don’t tend to use my smartphone for reading ebooks all that often. But I do it enough (like when I’m stuck in line at the grocery store) that I want it to work smoothly.
Can’t email documents: One of the neat things about the Kindle is that it comes with its own email address. So if you have a PDF report or something you want to read, you can just email it to yourself and it will magically show up on your Kindle. (This also allows the very cool integration with Instapaper which I wrote about in an earlier post.) If you want to put your own documents on the Kobo, you need to plug it in to your PC. The only thing you can buy wirelessly is ebooks from Kobo’s store.
Tedious setup: This is a minor point, but the first time you setup your Kobo, you have to download special software to your PC, plug the device into your computer with a USB cable and fill out a sign-up sheet. In contrast, the Kindle comes already setup with your Amazon ID so you can start using it immediately.
Preloaded books and samples: Unlike the Kindle, which is basically empty when you first get it, the Kobo comes preloaded with several free public-domain titles and a number of samples. I’m sure some people would see this as a feature but I found it annoying — like the crapware that comes with a new PC. Especially since many of the samples were for books I wouldn’t be caught dead reading.
Buggy: I only used the Kobo for a couple of weeks but, even in that time, I saw worrying signs that it’s a much buggier device than the Kindle. It crashed on me a couple of times. It froze on me shortly after starting to read a book (forcing me to delete the book off the device, reset it and download it again). And most annoyingly, just a few pages from the end of the book — and showing me with a third of a charge left in the device — the screen suddenly went black and instructed me to recharge it. Some of these issues may be addressed in future software upgrades for the Kobo. But I was left with the impression it’s simply not as well-polished a device as the Kindle.
Bottom line: While a touch screen ereader is a welcome innovation to the ereader market — and the Kobo has many ebooks that the Kindle doesn’t — I still think the Kindle is the better overall buy. If you really think you’d prefer a touch-screen ereader, I’d hold out for the touch-screen Kindle, which is reportedly due to arrive sometime this fall. In the meantime, it would be nice to see both ereaders address some of their deficiencies. Kobo, for example, says it has already addressed one of my main complaints about the device — like its lack of text search within books – in a recent firmware update. Many of the Reading Stats features of the Kobo could also be added by Kindle with a quick software upgrade.
What about you? How do you think the Kobo Touch compares with the Kindle? Post a comment and let me know.
(A quick note: I won’t be keeping the Kobo Touch I reviewed. I’m passing it on to our books editor who will hand it back to Kobo when she’s done with it.)
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